Hainan Free Trade Port enjoys zero tariff policy

Hainan Free Trade Port enjoys zero tariff policy

Recently, a Boeing 777-200LRF cargo plane was cleared at Haikou Meilan Airport, which is owned by Haikou Customs. This is the first “zero-tariff” large aircraft to benefit from the Hainan Free Trade Port’s “zero-tariff” policy for transportation and yachts, setting a new high for a single ticket under the “zero-tariff” policy for transportation and yachts.

Customs officers at Haikou Meilan Airport inspect and supervise incoming cargo aircraft at Haikou Meilan Airport.


The aircraft was declared for import by Zhongzhou Airlines Co., Ltd. The newly introduced Boeing 777 freighter will be put into use in the international freight business. The company has really enjoyed the tax relief brought by the “zero tariff” policy of the free trade port, which has greatly reduced the operating cost of the company and enhanced the confidence of the company to develop in Hainan. 


According to Lin Jun, deputy head of the customs at Haikou Meilan Airport, the customs strengthens publicity and guidance, and guides enterprises to make full use of various preferential policies such as “zero tariff”, so that enterprises can enjoy the benefits of the “real money and silver” policy.


Before the operation of the island-wide customs closure, enterprises that have registered with Hainan Free Trade Port and have independent legal person status, are engaged in transportation and tourism (aviation enterprises must use Hainan Free Trade Port as their main operating base), import for transportation, Ships, aircraft, vehicles and other operational vehicles and yachts in the tourism industry are exempt from import duties, import value-added tax and consumption tax.


Lin Yong, director of the Haikou Customs Tariff Department, said that the import of this large aircraft has three characteristics: First, the “zero-tariff” aircraft benefiting the extended family is on the trend of “expanding”, adding more helicopters to the three imported helicopters. A new member of the heavyweight large aircraft.


Second, Zhongzhou Airlines has built its main operating base in Hainan, and the preferential cargo aircraft will be put into international cargo business, adding new capacity to the international routes of the free trade port. The third is to set a new record for the amount of single-ticket benefits under the “zero tariff” policy for transportation and yachts, indicating that the “zero tariff” policy has further increased its attractiveness, and its effects and benefits are constantly being released.


The “zero-tariff” policy has effectively reduced the operating costs of benefiting companies, and is conducive to more companies investing in the Hainan Free Trade Port. As of August 2022, the competent authorities of Hainan Province have reviewed a total of 2,330 enterprises with “zero tariff” import qualifications for transportation vehicles and yachts. At present, 113 enterprises have imported goods with an import value of 3.94 billion yuan, and 954 million yuan of tax exemption for enterprises. In the next step, Haikou Customs will continue to carry out the activity of sending “service packages” to enterprises to help more enterprises make good use of the policies, fully benefit from them, and start businesses in Hainan Free Trade Port.


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