The advantages of bonded logistics and how to calculate the price

The advantages of bonded logistics and how to calculate the price

Advantages of bonded logistics


(1) The benefits of setting up a logistics center in the bonded area

1. Foreign incoming materials into the bonded warehouse, bonded storage, no need to import customs declaration, no need to pay customs duties;


2. Foreign incoming materials are directly exported overseas and processed overseas. They can be exported without paying customs duties, and only need to verify the incoming material data with the customs;


3. If foreign materials need to be sold to China, they will be imported and imported, and customs duties will be paid;


4. There is no time limit for the storage of materials in the bonded area;


5. When domestic commodities enter the bonded area, they need to be declared at customs, which is equivalent to export.


6. Global procurement of goods, off-season purchases, bonded warehousing, global distribution in peak seasons, cost savings, and entry into the market at favorable prices.


7. Other taxes, foreign exchange, customs, and operating costs have advantages.


(2) Trade advantages of bonded warehouses for domestic importers   

1. Improve customs clearance speed and reduce extra costs  


2. Reduce trade friction and facilitate trade behavior   


3. Reduce capital occupation and trade costs   


4. Re-export at any time, convenient and fast   


5. For processing enterprises, they can travel lightly and increase their competitive advantage.


(3) Trade advantages of bonded warehouses for domestic exporters   

1. Reduce capital occupation and trade costs


2. Timely export tax rebate to reduce tax pressure


2. How to calculate the price of bonded logistics

Bonded logistics service charges vary according to the type of goods, business type, service time, etc., and the fees are also different. 


If you need international logistics services, please contact Dantful freight forward for consultation.

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